Get A Grip

Scripture For The Day  

August 30, 2023

"Get A Grip" 

I struggled last night to sleep. I kept thinking of all kinds of scenarios over a specific situation. I couldn’t get any peace. After praying and reading scripture I turned on a sleep app that I have on my phone that softly speaks scripture until my heart finally began to quiet down. It was only then that I started thinking of the ‘good’ ways that this could go. God is so Good All The Time and I knew that I was getting myself so worked up and anxious that I had to get a grip on myself.

There’s no arguing with the fact that satan is a formidable enemy. His goal is to keep the lost, lost, and the saved; broken and fearful, to damage our witness. But if we are honest, our worst enemy is often ourselves. That’s why God’s Word teaches us so much about self-control; temperance. Translated from the word kratain; meaning to grasp”. Simply put; “Get a hold of yourself”

We have a spiritual battle going on all around us and within us. But the battle of self-control is a battle of the mind. And honestly, there is no battle more challenging than that one. It doesn’t matter what physical impairment or bad things come your way: if your heart and mind remain troubled and anxious, it will keep you feeling hopeless and in despair. And as a Child of God, that is one of the biggest lies out there. With Jesus, we always have HOPE! He has a way of taking the bad things and turning them into good. He has a way of changing situations into Blessings that you never expected.  We just need to keep our eyes focused on Him. When those troubling nights and battles of the mind begin, turn your eyes to Jesus, listen to His Word, Count your many Blessings, and listen to the song that He is singing over you.

Get a hold of yourself; Get a Grip!

“And beside this, giving all diligence add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience; godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.” 2 Peter 1


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