Never a Dull Moment

Scripture For The Day 

 August 23, 2023

Never a Dull Moment 

We can't help but giggle when we recognize that every single room in our house has some proof that a pair of wild boys are often here. When our pest control man first showed up at our house months ago, I was a bit embarrassed by all the clutter and apologized to him. He stopped me in my tracks and told me that when he looked around, he knew immediately that this was a house filled with love and he couldn’t wait until he had grandchildren of his own.  

This morning as I look around at my clean house, I know that in a couple of hours, it will be turned upside down. But that’s okay. It can be turned right side up when they go home. Easy Peasy.  Without these wild blessings of mine, life would be dull.

Proverbs 14:4 tells us “Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.”

A barn with no cattle might be clean, but strong bulls are needed for a good harvest. A house without kids is much easier to keep clean but how sad and how lonely that would be. Our dinette table by itself holds a lot of memories for us. This table is filled with glitter and glue in the cracks. It has scratches and marks all over it brought about by craft time with my grandsons. I have cried many tears at this table. I have spent many hours studying The Word of God at this table with my Bible and my books spread across it. This table has been used for homework. This table has been used for VBS decorations. It has been used for my own crafts. We have shared not only meals but our hearts at this table. We have prayed many prayers at this table. We have played many games with friends and family at this table. All the flaws on this table just make it memorable and holds a deeper meaning for us than it would for others. We are all messes in our own rights. Scattered toys, spilled milk, crumbs all around us, mistakes, past sins, struggles, physical or mental or emotional, battle wounds, broken hearts, scars… we are a mess, every single one of us.  But with Jesus in our hearts, He gets us through despite the mess that we are. With a compassionate heart, we can grow closer together. I can relate to you and you can relate to me because we've both been there. When we get past ourselves and quit looking at the dents and scratches on others, then and only then, are we ready to grow in The LORD.  He will reach down, clean us up, and help us to grow in Him- despite all the dents and scars. Because past the mess, there is a beautiful story and lots of love. 

What was turned upside down can be turned right side up through JESUS! Easy Peasy. 


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