No Eye Has Seen

Scripture For The Day 

 August 29, 2023

"No Eye has Seen" 

When problems crop up, we can have the silliest notion that we can solve the aforesaid problem on our own.  Many of us have a self-proclaimed title of ‘problem solver’ invisibly stamped across our foreheads. So, when people come to us, we mistakenly assume we can ‘fix’ the problem.  When the truth of the matter is; we don’t have a clue!

The church people in Corinth were dealing with some problems within the church. But because they thought they knew better; they chose to trust worldly intelligence above Trusting in the Word of God. So, Paul, through the guidance of The Lord, taught them a different method. He taught the people that God’s wisdom can be found through His Word and by the guidance of The Holy Spirit. He encouraged this church to look to The Cross for all The Wisdom that is needed. We can’t understand in our flesh what God has revealed through Jesus Christ. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. *1 Corinthians 2:9. True wisdom can only come through a revelation from the Holy Spirit. His Spirit searches our hearts and shows us the deepest mysteries and secrets of God. It’s kind of like that song, “Looking for love in all the wrong places”. We tend to do that in our spiritual walk as well. We are looking for answers in all the wrong places. We can't fathom the fullness of His Grace and Promises. Therefore, we tend to search elsewhere. We tend to trust our own gut reactions.  The words that Paul used were not his own. They came from Isaiah 64:4 and he reminded the people of Corinth and us as well, that only when we grow closer to The Lord, only when we spiritually mature can we even slightly grasp those mysteries of God. It’s a growth process. Getting past ourselves, and finally able to recognize that HE is The One in Control. NO need to get frustrated. No need to get scared. No need to be anxious. Because those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts have been given a Promise. And we cannot even comprehend what God has in store for us that Love Him. 


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