The New Jerusalem

Scripture For The Day  

August 3, 2023

"The New Jerusalem" 

After the thousand-year reign and after the enemy is done away with, The Lord creates a New Heaven and Earth. Revelation 21 tells us all about this New Jerusalem. It will be massive; 1500 miles high and 1500 miles deep and 1500 miles long and more beautiful than we could ever imagine.  Then a loud voice from the throne is heard “Now God’s home (His Tabernacle) is with His people. He will live with them and be with them and be their God.” After all of that is when God finally wipes away the tears from their eyes.

The New Jerusalem; The Holy City will be as beautifully dressed as a bride for her husband- Jesus.  There will be no need for a temple; no need for a church. Because The Lord God Almighty AND the Lamb are its temple. There will be no need for a moon or a sun to shine because God’s Glory will be the Only light needed.

There will be no more need for baptistries, remembrance tables, doctrinal statements, altars, prayer requests, or even pulpits. There will be no need for committees or business meetings. There will be no need for Blessing Boxes or VBS or any other ministry we may have. God will wipe away every tear. There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, regrets, or pain for all of that junk will be passed away. All things will be made new. It is done. It is finished. He is The Alpha and The Omega; the beginning and the end. He will always finish what He starts. There will be no temple because The Lamb is The temple. Our Joy will finally be made complete!

But until that day, we are reminded to stay focused on Him, strive to be more like Him, Love like Him, Shine Like Him, and Share His Love. Don’t focus on the negativity. Don’t be anxious. Stay in prayer with Him. Stay in His Word. Stay in His Love.  


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