Be Kind

Scripture For The Day 

September 21, 2023 

"Be Kind"  

Before I got out of bed this morning, I had spoken and texted with more than one loved one. Each conversation held different concerns. It hurt my heart to realize that so many people are struggling. Whatever you may be going through, you can trust that someone is going through something even more challenging. We need to be there for each other. We need to pray for each other. No judgments. No unwanted advice. Just love and prayers. Hunter Jack mentioned the other day that he didn't like the 'rule' that says you must treat your elderly kinder than you. I'm not sure where he heard that 'rule' and at first I wasn't sure if I should be hurt or offended thinking he was calling me elderly. lol. But after further conversation, there was more to it. I asked him what he meant. He said, "Well, I just think that the whole wide world should be kind to everyone and not just because someone is older." I said "Oh, okay, I get what you're saying and I definitely agree with that. Now there is a scripture in the Bible that says we are to honor and respect our elders. But yes, definitely yes, the world would be a kinder place if we would treat everyone with kindness." That conversation has been staying with me. If only, if only, we would treat each other with kindness, no matter who they are. Even if they aren't related. Even if they are grumps or not so nice.  We are all struggling with something. and we all need a relationship with The Lord. With Him, ALL things are possible.  and uniting our hearts together in Him and through Him can change our hearts and minds. 

Care for each other. Pray for each other. Treat each other with Kindness. 

Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other the same as God forgave you through Christ. 

Ephesians 4


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