No Words Necessary

Scripture For The Day  

September 12, 2023

No Words Necessary

The more time that keeps skipping along, the more I recognize that the less said, the better. I said something out of joking the other day about a loved one but it bothered me all day long.  I was just being silly. It’s not how I really feel. But that silly moment could lead to others misunderstanding how I truly feel. And I was reminded once again how careful we need to be with our words.  Matthew 12:36-37 tells us that we will be held accountable for every idle/empty/useless word that we speak. By words, we will be acquitted and by our words, we will be condemned. What the tree produces is what the tree is really made of. The mouth, generally, speaks from the heart is what Jesus is telling us in that scripture. If we spent more time carefully considering the words that we used and the manner that we spoke them, the better off we would all be. I often remember harsh words spoken to me more than I remember anything else. Those words can be difficult to let go of. Because those words hurt my heart. “Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.” – Ecclesiastes 5:2

Even words that are meant to comfort can be spoken at the wrong time. Telling someone whose loved one has just died that ‘it was just their time’ or “God has a reason” doesn’t help. But a loving embrace and a prayerful heart are all that is needed. No words are necessary.  An encouraging word instead of a joking or scolding moment means more to a vulnerable heart than most can imagine.  So, let us be careful with our words. Let us not be quick or hasty. Let our words be few. Jesus was careful with His Words. He IS The Word. But when He speaks He brings Life into existence and Hope into a tired soul. Let us be like Jesus- Speak Life  


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