What Do You See?

Scripture For The Day 

 September 19, 2023

"What do you see?" 

When I was a child, my grandmother would put a cookie tray of objects in front of me. I was to examine each object as quickly as I could without touching them. Then she would remove the tray and I would have to either tell her everything that was on the tray or she would bring the tray back and I would have to tell her, in detail, what was missing. She was teaching me to study and to be observant.

My husband and I taught our daughter the same lessons. We taught her to always watch her surroundings. Pay attention to how people are behaving. Notice what is missing. Be prepared for anything. I also played the objects/tray game with her when she was little. Yesterday, she shared with me about something that she had noticed and had put two and two together. All because she is observant. She studied the situation. She saw the bigger picture. No one had to tell her. She already knew. That's what it means to be inquisitive; paying attention to detail. We taught her to be inquisitive. It is a learned characteristic. And that is how we are to be with The Word of God.

We are to study and observe Scripture. We must ask the tough questions. We need to be spiritually inquisitive. God’s Word tells us we need to be hungry for His Word. He desires for us to know Him better. But too often we get complacent and comfortable with sitting back and trusting what someone else has to say about it. The One Who has ears to hear had better listen. Jesus tells us. In other words, not everyone is willing or has the desire to understand. 

Open His Word. Study. Pray over it. Read the entire text not just one verse. Go back… I repeat; Go back… to the words' original meaning, surroundings, and culture. Don’t trust the commentaries. They are just men. Use them, study the history. But Trust Only in His Word. Notice what is missing. Our Father will help you learn to be more observant of His Word if you have that desire.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15


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