Be Different

Scripture For The Day  

October 30, 2023

Be Different

Psalm 12- David was concerned. Living for God in a world that is full of deceit and lies can be difficult and heartbreaking. David cries out once again to The LORD for help. Help, LORD for no one is faithful anymore.  It seems like the godly people have all but vanished from the human race. We can’t trust anyone anymore.  Everyone lies to their neighbor; they say whatever they think people want to hear.

I see this more and more as each day goes by. It never ceases to shock me how often people will lie. Oh, we describe it more nicely when it’s a Christian; they’re just exaggerating. But the bottom line is they are lying. Arrogance and lies have no place in the walk of a Christian. David is feeling the same way right here. His tired and frustrated. 

The LORD should cut off their lying lips and boastful tongues. Those people think they can win any argument. They think they know better than everyone else. They flatter themselves. But The LORD knows their hearts. He knows what they do. He says He will rescue those in need and punish those who hurt them. His Words are True and Flawless. The wicked are all around us, and everyone thinks evil is something to be praised!

Psalm 12 (paraphrased) Can you relate to David in this passage? I sure can. Our world is deceitful and boastful. The godly man ceaseth; he seems to be no more.

Choose your words wisely. Be honest. Be Faithful. The LORD doesn’t want us behaving like this sinful world. Let your words be few but above all let them be true! 

 We are to be set apart- Be different!!! 


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