Be Prepared, Not Scared

Scripture For The Day 

 October 27, 2023

Be Prepared, Not Scared

Our society loves scare tactics. Even in the church. I had an individual who once told me that they felt like they had PTSD from growing up in a church. It hurt my heart for them but I understood what they were saying.  We need to be aware. We need to be prepared. But we need to remember Who is in Control. We need to be careful where we are getting our information. Look to His Word. Not to the internet. What was once an informational hub has long become a worldwide web of fake news. No longer is a picture worth a thousand words that can be trusted and held up in court. Technology has made it far too easy to manipulate pictures and videos. If you can’t stand up and say without a shadow of a doubt that what you are sharing is The Truth then don’t share it.  Otherwise, we ourselves become manipulators and liars when we pass on things that are not the absolute truth. Our society enjoys putting fear into the hearts of the vulnerable. The LORD doesn’t want us to live in fear and panic. We know better. We know bad things are going on and it will only get worse. But we have been Blessed with life and He wants us to live it with abundant joy. Not in a state of fear and panic. And definitely not instill that fear in our children. It’s a fine line between being prepared and being scared.

Psalm 11 is a short chapter; only 7 verses. David is sharing that in the midst of panic, we can always Trust God to help us with whatever we are facing.

David had to flee for his life several times. But he never ran away in fear. He knew God was in control. His advisors were fearful and in a state of panic but not David. He tells us that hunters lie in the dark waiting for their prey. Primed and ready to kill. That’s what they do. But The LORD is in His Holy Temple. He sits on His Throne. He sees everything. He watches over us. He knows who is good and who is bad. He hates evil and evil will be punished. The LORD always does what is right and so that’s why He loves to see people do the right thing. So, instead of living in fear we need to live in Peace. Share His Love. Be Courageous and remind your heart that God is Still in Control, no matter what is going on in this sinful world. 

Be prepared not scared. 


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