Come What May

Scripture For The Day  

October 14, 2023

Come What May 

Psalm 4 was an evening psalm. Psalm 5 is a morning psalm. Once again, David is the author and is turning it over to be made into a worship song.

There is a reason that David was The Apple of God’s Eye. He Loved The LORD with all of his heart. Yes, he messed up. He was human and humans are not perfect. But He Trusted God to help Him. He Trusted God to watch over Him. He went To The LORD seeking Him. He Praised Him in the Good Times and in The Bad Times.

Psalm 5 begins with David asking The LORD to hear His pleas. David is crying out to God, once again. Not only is he asking The LORD to hear His spoken words but to also hear his unspoken words in his heart. Sometimes, we don’t have the words to say out loud.  But God hears our hearts. David may have been the anointed king of Israel but he knew that God was the ultimate King of all the earth. David began each day with prayer. Because he knew that God was in control. He asked The LORD for forgiveness. Sin is contrary to the nature of God. He will never take pleasure in sin and evil has no place with Him. He allows us to make bad choices but sin never lines up to His Word. He hates those who practice evil. This is not talking about an occasional sin, but pure evil. David had confidence that God would prevail over those who continued to lie about David. (Leasing) God abhors those who lie about His children. 

But as for me, David says, I will come into Your House full of Your Mercy and I will worship You. David chooses to worship The LORD no matter where he is at. He was in hiding seeking protection. But he continued to Worship The LORD.  Verse 8 – Lead me, O LORD, in Thy Righteousness because of mine enemies; make Thy way straight before my face. We are to walk in His Ways. Being dependent upon Him. Seeking Him wherever we may be. Seeking His Guidance. David proclaims in verse 9 that his enemies never tell the truth. They only want to destroy people. Their words come from mouths that are like open graves- speaking death continually. They deceive others with their words. David goes on to ask The LORD to punish his enemies. Let them be caught in their own traps. But let those who Trust You be happy forever. Protect and strengthen those who Love Your Name. Verse 12 speaks volumes “For Thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt Thou compass him as with a shield” The LORD surrounds those who Love Him with His LOVE, like a large shield that protects them from the attacks of the enemy. That doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen to us. It means that we are nestled in His Love, come what may and I find comfort in that. 


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