Don't Blow In The Wind

Scripture For The Day 

 October 10, 2023

Don't Blow In The Wind 

It is weighing heavy on my heart to study the book of Psalms. Will we get through it all? I don’t know. But I need to do what I need to do.

The book of Psalms is not everyone’s cup of tea. But I love it. It is poetry. It is music. It is songs. It is prayers. It is life at its worst and life at its best. It is used at funerals. It is used at weddings. It is used to comfort and strengthen, so let’s begin our journey.

Psalm 1- (Read on your own) It begins with Blessed is the man… This is not speaking of one single blessing but a lifetime of Blessing for someone who walks with The Lord. We are Blessed when we choose not to listen to ungodly people. We are Blessed when we choose to refuse to mock our God. But instead, choose to Love His Word. Study His Word, night and day. Growing Strong in His Word. Sinners don’t have these Blessings. They can not be counted among the righteous. The LORD shows us in His Word how to live our lives in ways that will Glorify Him; not in check off lists or what others think we should be doing… but in hearts that Love Him and want to know more about Him.

Verse 4 describes the ungodly as chaff that the wind blows away. Chaff is the outer shell that is removed to get to the good stuff. The plants are threshed (cut, beaten, and crushed) and then the pieces are thrown into the air. What flies away is the chaff, while the good grain falls back to the earth. The ungodly blow here and there with the wind.

What a perfect way to begin a study on The Book of Psalms. Be Blessed.  


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