Lift Up My Head, LORD

Scripture For The Day 

 October 9, 2023

LIft Up My Head, Lord 

There’s a difference between conviction and guilt trips. The Holy Spirit handles the convicting part and people use guilt trips. Guilt trips are a highly used tactic that doesn’t help any situation but exacerbates an already thinly stretched broken situation. A person who uses guilt trips in any type of relationship is hurting that relationship more than helping. Religion is one of those areas to which people will use guilt in what they think is encouraging people. But what usually happens is people get burned out trying to line up with what others think and eventually give up. 

Jesus has never been one to shame people. Jesus went to The Cross to remove our guilt and that’s why I love Him so. I can never, ever, repay the debt I owe to Him. But it’s because I love Him that I do whatever I do. Not because of what someone else thinks I should be doing and I’m learning that I can’t do it all and it’s okay. I’ve been learning quite a bit these past several years through mistakes, through events, through godly people, and through drawing closer to The Lord. I’ve been a part of several ministries throughout my life. There are seasons and one thing I’ve learned it’s not up to me to condemn anyone. God did NOT send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. John 3:17 When we share Jesus, we need to share in a way that encourages people to want to be a part of His ministry. Not through condemnation or guilt trips. We are to encourage each other daily. We are not to sit high in our pews, or wherever we are, allowing the enemy to make us think we are more righteous than others because we do this or that. God’s Word tells us to encourage each other, not condemn, not convict. That’s not in our job descriptions. 

Our God is all about encouragement. He lifts our spirits when we are at our lowest. He doesn’t kick us when we are already down. The New Covenant we have with Him through the Blood of His Precious Son is all about encouragement, not conviction.  Guilt trips can become a prison to some people who will struggle to get out of. Many people have made the mistake, me included, of doing specific things because of guilt and not because of conviction and that is not a willing heart and definitely not what The Lord wants of us. It’s time we learn to discern between human guilt trips and a calling from God upon our hearts. That’s the difference between religion and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Trust me, I don’t agree with a lot of things but I’m learning to stay in my own lane and listen for His Voice alone.  “When I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.” 1 Cor 13:11 NO more bondage. Be set Free. “But Thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; My Glory, and the Lifter up of mine head.” – Psalm 3:3    

 Lift my head, Lord, for I am so tired. 


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