Why Are The Nations So Angry?

Scripture For The Day 

 October 11, 2023

Why Are The Nations So Angry? 

Psalm 2 is two-fold. David, the author, refers to not only his time but gives a prophetic picture of Jesus Christ. This Psalm is often referred to in the NT. David begins by asking “Why do the heathen rage?” Why are the nations so angry and why do they make such foolish plans that are doomed to failure? The anointed refers to David and any of his descendants who are being attacked. It also refers to The Messiah- Jesus Christ.  The heathen refers to all unbelievers. The ungodly will never have True Peace without Jesus Christ.  Nations and the people will turn their hostility and hatred towards The LORD and all that believe in Him. How True that is today.  The rulers and governments today make decisions that are contrary to The Word of God. We are not God-fearing people anymore. The world does not want anything to do with The One True God and God allows people to turn against Him. Morality is nonexistent.  Our society is entrenched in a comfortable relationship with evil and many churches have become so desensitized that they don’t even recognize that the enemy has infiltrated the decision-making within the once revered sanctuary. But He that sits in heaven shall laugh. The Lord laughs at the senseless choices that are made. We have no power. He is in control and He has given All power to His Son Jesus. 

Then after laughing at them, He speaks in anger. God is Love but He is Righteous and Just. One day He will allow His wrath to fall on this sinful world. He has been more patient than any of us deserve. But His Patience is running thin. But Thank The Lord, Romans 5:9 tells us that those of us who are justified by His Blood shall be saved from His wrath. And No power on earth can stop The Lord from doing what He puts in place. Jesus is The One True King. In verse 7 we read David telling us about God’s Promise to us. “Thou art my son, this day have I begotten Thee. This verse is referenced in Heb 1:5-6 regarding the birth of Jesus and in Acts 13:33-34 regarding the Resurrection. The whole world belongs to Jesus. He has ALL authority through His Sacrifice on The Cross. The Rod of iron refers to His Power and Strength. The people are easily broken in comparison to Jesus. Now we turn to responsibility. Verse 10: Be wise. Be prudent. Be discerning. Respect God and submit to His authority. Serve Him with Love and Respect and find joy in understanding that we are nothing without Him. 

Give God All The Glory. 

The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom – Psalm 111:10. Verse 12- Kiss the Son, lest He be angry. This is a symbolic act that shows submission. Accept Who Jesus is. Surrender to Him daily. Trust in Him. Count on Him. Believe in Him. and Rest in Him. Seek Him in everything you do and you WILL BE BLESSED. 


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