Be of Good Courage

 Scripture For The Day 

November 25, 2023

"Be of Good Courage!" 

In Psalm 31,  David covers it all. It includes his problems, his prayers, and his praises. Life is like that. Filled with good days and bad days. But every day should be filled with the Praises of our God. We will make mistakes. Sometimes, big mistakes. At least I do. But every day is a new day to begin again and seek Him in every decision. Be of Good Courage!

“In Thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in Thy Righteousness.” Lord, I come to you for protection. Listen to me. Come quickly. Be my Rock and place of safety. For I know that YOU are my Rock and my Fortress. Lead me and guide me. Save me from the traps that the enemy sets out for me. I put my life into Your Hands. You have seen my suffering. You know all about my troubles. Your Mercy and Kindness make me happy. David goes on to further seek The LORD for deliverance and safety. Verses 16-17 share Aaron’s benediction from Numbers 6:24-26

“Make Thy Face to shine upon thy servant: save me for Thy mercies’ sake. Let me not be ashamed, O LORD: for I have called upon Thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.” Lord show the world that You answer the prayers of Your followers. Let the wicked be silent and have nothing to gloat about. Let the lying lips be put to silence. Oh, how Great is Thy Goodness, You have done so many good things for those who trust You. Blessed be The LORD: for He hath shown me His Marvelous Kindness in a strong city. I prayed to You and You heard my cries.

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

Remember the Victory has already been won. There will be battles but the war is over. But let us quit battling against each other. There will be troubles and struggles. But let us not struggle against each other. Stay strong! Stay Humble! Have Peace! Grow in His Word. Grow in His Love. Be Courageous!


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