LORD Lift Us Up

Scripture For The Day 

 November 21, 2023

"LORD Lift Us Up" 

Psalm 28 is yet another prayer by David asking The LORD for deliverance. The LORD is my Rock. Unto Thee will I cry. Be not silent to me. David cries out once again to The LORD for help. He knows Who The LORD is. He knows He can Trust Him. He is our Rock. David pleads with The LORD to answer back. There are times I feel like I will stop breathing unless I hear The LORD speaking to my heart. And the best place to hear His Voice is away from all the chaos and noise of the world.

Hear my voice… David cries out. “when I lift up my hands toward Thy Holy Oracle” Simply put this is a matter of heart surrender…sincere prayer. David goes on “Draw me not away with the wicked…” Don’t count me with the wicked ones who are secretly out to hurt others. They don’t care what The LORD says.

Blessed be The LORD!!! David’s prayers were heard. The LORD hears our prayers also. The LORD is my Strength and my Shield…and with my song I will praise Him. I woke up this morning thinking too much as usual. I once again went to The LORD in prayer with a troubled and saddened heart. I anxiously got up and went to His Word. As I was studying, I pictured a scene from yesterday with my grandsons. I had pulled the older one down and was pretending like I was whipping him. He had been aggravating and we were teasing each other. As I pretended to whip him, He was crying out pretending to be upset. Little brother quickly came to him, got down on the floor, put his arms around big brother and said “It’s okay bubby, it’s okay” We both quickly got up and let little brother know we were just playing. No matter what we are going through, big or small, as a Child of God, He quickly hears our cries. He quickly reaches down, wraps us up in His Loving Arms and reminds us that it’s okay… everything will be okay. We can put our Trust in Him. He will never fail us. He gives us strength. He IS our Strength. He lifts us up. And I’m not even teasing about that. He has Proven it to me time and time again.

Lord lift us up where we belong, where the eagles fly… 


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