Scripture For The Day

 November 10, 2023

"Lord, We Lift Your Name On High" 

Psalm 20 and 21 go together. So, let’s study it that way. Psalm 20 is more than likely before a battle, while Psalm 21 is celebrating a victory after the battle. They are battle songs. They are also messianic, in which they foretell a coming king and deliverer; Jesus Christ.

David prayed to The LORD, seeking Victory in the upcoming battle. May The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble…We are able to go to God anytime, anywhere. He is ever Faithful and True. David is expecting Victory and already planning the celebration. He reminds his people and us that we can Trust The LORD. He will hear our cries. When others trust in their equipment, we Trust in The LORD>

Something happened the other day that I was not expecting to happen. And all I could think of afterwards was ‘Why am I so surprised? The LORD has the power to do anything. How could I ever doubt His Power?” He is so Good All The Time and All The Time He is Good.

The enemy and whatever tactics he uses can be brought down. God fights for us. David is confident that God will handle this battle and that Victory will be on the other side.

Psalm 21 Praises God for the Victory. It also speaks of the anticipated Victory brought about by Jesus Christ. He is King of Kings. Through His Sacrifice, we have the Blessing of eternal life. His Glory is Great. This psalm is a prayer of worship of all The LORD does for you and me. He fights for us. He provides for us. Through Him, we are saved. Through Him, we receive blessings upon blessings. We have Joy Unspeakable because of the LORD. Be Thou exalted, LORD, we lift You up with our songs of Praise.

Lord, We Lift Your Name on High!!! 


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