Father, Forgive Them!

Scripture For The Day 

December 23rd, 2023 

 Luke 23 part 2

"Father Forgive Them!" 

Jesus was severely beaten and extremely weak. A Cyrenian man named Simon was told to carry the heavy crossbeam to Calvary for Jesus. Among the people following were women who were weeping for Jesus. Jesus told them ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, cry not for me, but for yourselves and your children.” In His state of fatigue and pain beyond anything we will ever experience, Jesus, Our Savior, took the time to minister to people once again. He warned them of the troubling days that lie ahead. If this will happen to someone Who is Good (green tree) what do you think will happen to someone who is guilty (dry).

There were also two criminals that were led out to the city of skulls (Golgotha) aka Calvary with Jesus to be crucified.  Jesus chose to go through this for You and Me. This is the Reason for Christmas. This is The Reason we should celebrate His Birth. Before He died; Jesus began to talk to The Father; “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” His goal was and is to save lost souls.

The religious rulers began mocking Him, “if You’re truly Christ, save Yourself.” The soldiers tried giving Jesus some vinegar to drink that was mixed with Gall (something bitter that was used in crucifixions to somewhat deaden the pain) But He refused, needing to fully deal with the heavy burden of pain not only from the crucifixion and beatings but from the sins of the world. The soldiers mocked Him;” King of the Jews, save Yourself. On top of His Cross had been a superscription; “This is Jesus of Nazareth, The King of The Jews” The Jewish leaders tried to get Pilate to change it to “He said, He was the King of the Jews.” But Pilate refused.

One of the criminals to the side of Jesus told Him, if You are Christ, save yourself and us. But the other criminal stopped him and said “Don’t you fear God? All of us will die soon. You and I are guilty. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus “Jesus, Lord, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom” And Jesus told him “I promise you, Today, you shall be with me in Paradise” And it was about noon when it turned completely dark and stayed that way until 3:00 in the afternoon. The sun stopped shining. The curtain in the Temple was torn into two places. Jesus shouted “Father, into Your hands I commend my spirit” and died. The centurion saw what happened and began praising God “I know this man was Righteous!”

The people were sad at what had been done and went home. Jesus’ family and friends stood afar off watching these things. Joseph, a Sanhedrin, a good man who had not consented with the counsel, went to Pilate, begging for the body of Jesus. He took Him down, wrapped Him in linen, and laid Him in a borrowed tomb. That day was the preparation for the sabbath, and everything had to be rushed in order to be done in time. The women from Galilee, followed and saw where His body was laid so they could come back and make sure things were done right. They went back home and prepared the spices and ointments for Jesus and rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandment. 


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