It Will All Pass Away

Scripture For The Day 

 December 21, 2023

Luke 21 part 1

"It Will All Pass Away" 

And He looked up and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.

Jesus is watching the wealthy people tossing their gifts into the treasury (the treasury were thirteen collection boxes in the wall of the temple. They were shaped like trumpets that had a cone like mouth and narrowed down into the opening where the offerings for alms were dropped into) Jesus watched the men casting their gifts. Then He saw a poor widow casting in her two mites. If anyone had needed alms it would have been her. She was desperately poor. Two mites would have equaled one-eighth of a cent. But it was all she had. And Jesus said that she gave more than these rich people. They have plenty and they don’t even miss what they give. But she gave all she had. I think of this scripture often. I’ve had individuals give money to me for certain ministries that they were giving all they could afford. And that speaks to my heart so often. It’s not about the amount of money. It’s about the heart and we should never forget that.

Some of the followers began talking about how beautiful the architecture of the Temple was and all the good gifts that were offered to God. But Jesus said, the time will come when all that you see will be destroyed. Some asked Jesus: “Master, when will this happen?” Jesus told them to Be careful and not be fooled. Many people will falsely come in His Name or say they are Christ, Himself. This prophecy is two-fold regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and the rapture of the church.

But what will happen first is wars and riots, nation against nation, great earthquakes, sicknesses, and other bad things. Some places will have no food for the people to eat. Terrible things will be happening and amazing signs will come from heaven to warn the people. Expect things to get worse so you won’t be in shock. But keep your eyes on Jesus so that your heart will stay strong. It will all pass away. Share Jesus before it's too late for others. 



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