Taken, Blessed, and Broken

Scripture For The Day  

December 24th, 2023

Luke 24 

Taken, Blessed, and Broken

Very early that Sunday morning, the women came back to the tomb to anoint Jesus body with the spices they had previously prepared. Upon arrival they noticed the stone was rolled away. Matthew records an earthquake had occurred and the angel rolled it away. The Roman guards had fainted with fear. But the guards obviously ran away at the empty tomb. The disappearance of Jesus’ body would have got them killed for being diligently in their job.

To combine all the Gospels this is how it went down. The ladies discovered that Jesus’ body was gone. While still there, two angels suddenly appeared. One angel spoke and reminded them of what Jesus had told them. They were told to go find Peter and the others and tell them that Jesus was risen. The disciples were skeptical of course. Peter and John ran to the tomb. John got there first. But didn’t go inside, letting Peter enter first. They saw the linen intact but empty. Proof that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. They immediately left. In the meantime, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb. She was still upset and wanted desperately to see Jesus. And Jesus appeared to her. His first appearance after the resurrection was to a woman. I love that. Next, He appeared to the other women on the road. Later, He appeared to two followers on the road to Emmaus. I love this encounter with Cleopas and the unnamed disciple. Jesus interrupted their conversation on their walk. They didn’t recognize Jesus and was surprised that this stranger hadn’t heard about what all had happened. So, they told Him all about it. Jesus shares scriptures with them and teaches them much.  They asked Jesus to join them for supper and so He did. Taking the bread, blessing it, and breaking it. Their eyes were finally opened, recognizing Jesus at last. Then Jesus vanished before them. They went and told the others all about it. The LORD is Risen Indeed! And as they spoke, Jesus, Himself stood in the midst of them; saying “Peace, be unto you.”

The disciples were terrified, thinking that Jesus was a ghost. Jesus calmed their fears by showing them His hands and feet and eating with them. He reminded them that He had told them that this would happen and had to happen. He helped them to understand the scriptures. “And ye are witnesses of these things.” He instructed them to wait on The Holy Spirit before going into the mission field again. He led them to Bethany, raised His Hands and Blessed them, while He was being carried up to heaven in a cloud. The disciples returned to Jerusalem with renewed Joy and purpose. 

This study in Luke has spoken to my heart so much. I hope you have been encouraged as well. This, this is what Christmas is all about. It’s about The Gift of Salvation through the Gift of Jesus Christ. It’s not about the presents, it’s about His Presence and I’m so Thankful for His Love that is everlasting and ever merciful. I'm so Thankful that He took me, Blessed me and broke me and I belong to Him.  With Him we can enjoy True Peace that the world will never understand. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 

May You find True Joy in His Presence tomorrow and every day thereon. 


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