What You Say Is True!

Scripture For The Day 

 December 23, 2023 – Luke 23 part 1

"What You Say Is True!" 

And the whole multitude (The entire Sanhedrin (council) 70 men) arose and took Jesus to Pilate. Jesus had two trails (if you can call them that). One Jewish/Religious and the other Roman/Secular. Rome was the only authority to execute. So, they had to hand Him over to the Romans to get what they wanted. Pilate was in Jerusalem at the time for the Passover celebration. Then Jesus was sent to Herod for questioning. Then back to Pilate for the final hearing and verdict. It was quickly done and through the night and unusual to have the trials through the night with the crucifixion the same day.

The accusations were lies and exaggerations, except for One that He was and is The Son of God. There was no blasphemy about it. Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered “Yes, what you say is true!” Pilate had no problem with Jesus. But the council was fierce. They weren’t backing down. When Pilate heard Jesus was a Galilean. He sent Him to Herod, which handles that jurisdiction. Pilate didn’t want anything to do with this travesty. Herod was excited to see Jesus. He had heard all about Him and had been wanting to see a miracle be done. But Jesus refused to answer Herod’s questions. The Religious dudes kept accusing Jesus, vehemently (shouting). Herod and his soldiers began laughing and mocking Jesus. They made fun of Him by dressing Him in clothes that a king would wear. Then Herod sent him back to Pilate. They were usually enemies. But that day they became friends in the treatment of Jesus.

Pilate tries to free Jesus. But the Jewish Leaders would have none of that. They shouted; “Kill Him! Let Barabbas go free!” Barabbas was a murderer who was in jail. But again, Pilate told them He was going to let Jesus go. But they shouted; “Kill Him! Kill Him on a Cross!” On the third time Pilate asked them “Why? What wrong has He done? He is not guilty. I can find no reason to kill Him. So, I will let Him go after I punish Him a little.”

But the people continued to shout, demanding Jesus be killed on a cross. It got so riotous that Pilate decided to give them what they wanted, let Barabbas go free and hand Jesus over to be killed.


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