A Humble Heart

 Scripture For The Day 

February 22nd, 2024 

A Humble Heart

The number one sacrifice that The LORD wants from us is for us to have a humble heart. Without a humble heart, chances are we won't seek Him in everything. Without a humble heart we won't strive to be like Jesus. Without a humble heart we won't put others before ourselves. Without a humble heart a person will not think they need Jesus at all. Without a humble heart there is no forgiveness.

Psalm 51 was written by David after the prophet Nathan confronted David about his adultery with Bathsheba. David had been found out. David had been called out. This man after God's own heart was not perfect. He was a mess just like you and me. But what made him a man after God's own heart was that He Trusted The Lord. It broke he was confronted with his sin. Not because he was found out but because He disappointed The LORD. In this Psalm David prays for forgiveness. He acknowledges his sin. He is thankful that God restores relationships through His forgiving Grace. New Testament saints don't have to worry about asking God to not remove The Holy Spirit because Jesus Sacrifice took care of that. We are sealed. This Psalm is a promise to all of us that when we mess up, and boy will we miss up, we can go to God with a humble heart and receive forgiveness. Blame no one but ourselves for our screw ups. Take responsibility like David did. Seek forgiveness. A humble heart will be forgiven. 

"Create i nme a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." - Psalm 51:10 


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