I Am Weak But He is Strong

 Scripture For The Day 

February 8th, 2024 

"I Am Weak, But He is Strong!" 

From time to time, I go through bouts of the blues. Thank The Lord I never linger and wallow in it. But Monday was a day of the blues. Without boring people with details of my inner workings, I have an illness that is attacking my body so medicines can alter things in a heartbeat. I had a couple of vaccine shots on Monday and by Monday night I was deep into the blues. It takes recognizing what is happening and focusing on Jesus to keep me from falling down a deep dark rabbit hole. Because that's not who I am. Why am I feeling the need to share this? Because I feel God impressing it upon me. We live in a false world. A picture is not worth a thousand words anymore because it has become far too easy to alter the picture. What someone says is not generally what they truly feel. A common thing to say anymore is that if you are hurting come to me and I will listen. But the truth of the matter is many people don't care during that moment. Many people are quick to judge and slow in being patient and loving. It's just an afterthought. The good news is that Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 that God knows our hearts.  and still, He chooses us to be His. I may not be all that and a bag of chips. But God Chose me. I'm not mighty or noble. I'm not a lot of things. But God chose the foolish things in me to be used for His Glory.  God chose the weak things in me to be used for His Glory. And even the things that are hated in me, including hated by me, God has chosen to use for His Glory. So, I will Glorify The LORD in the midst of the angst and in the midst of my weakness. 

Psalm 43 continues a prayer involving depression. He is crying out to God once again. Defend me, God. Argue my case for me. Protect me from liars. God, You are my place of safety. Why must I suffer this sadness? Send Your Light and Your Truth to guide me, to lead me, to Your Home. I want to be close to The God Who makes me so very happy. Why am I so sad? Why am I so upset? I tell myself, "Wait for God's Help!" 

I'm so thankful for a God that cares for us. Whatever the world thinks about me, if they even think about me at all, means nothing. I don't have to be important to anyone other than The LORD. It's not about what I can do on my own but what I can do with His help. My heart's desire is that I represent Him every single day, in my strengths but above all in my weaknesses. And if that means laying it all out for others to see, then so be it. Because it's in those weak moments that I draw even closer to Him. 

"And He said unto me, My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." - 2 Corinthians 12:9


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