
 Scripture For The Day 

February 16th, 2024 


Did you wake up with Praises for The LORD on your heart this morning? Praises that you woke up? Praises that you were able to get out of bed? Praises for your family and friends? Psalm 48 is a Praise Psalm and possibley a prophetic psalm. The Psalmist is Thankful for Jerusalem (Mount Zion) but mostly He is Thankful for The LORD. 

Great is The LORD, and greatly to be praised. Out of all the places on earth, The LORD chose Jerusalem to be His special place- and the Israelites His special people. and if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, you have been adopted into that family.  Every significant event that has and will happen was and is going to be in Jerusalem. Including, when Jesus sets up His Kingdom for the Millenial Reign on earth. So, Jerusalem is a special place to The Lord and it should be a special place to us. Beautiful for situation (location). Beautiful to look at. A source of joy for the whole earth to behold. Many people may not feel that way right now. But one day, during The Millenial Reign there will be no arguing about the importance and beauty of Jerusalem. It will be a joy of the whole earth. No other mountain or place can compare to Mount Zion. God has made Himself known here and He has made Himself known in the hearts of those who believe. We don't have to climb that mountain to be near Him. He is with us right here and right now. Kings have tried and will try to destroy God's people. But it will never happen. So, Child of God, lift up your face and Praise The LORD this morning!

Our God is Worthy to be Praised. He is our Refuge and Strength. Make sure you are protected. Make sure you have done everything that needs to be done to prepare for the enemy and his attacks. God is forever and ever and He will lead us and guide us every single day...when we seek Him. 


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