Beauty From Ashes

 Scripture For The Day 

April 3rd, 2024 

"Beauty From Ashes" 

I was reading in Isaiah 61 this morning as I have done numerous times. But today it felt different. This passage is a beautiful picture for not only the mourning people of Israel but for all of us who have felt loss and hurt for whatever reason. Maybe it's not the loss of a loved one. Even though an unexpected loss is like no other type of loss. It can be difficult to see past the pain. But maybe you are struggling with a different kind of loss. Maybe you are struggling financially. Maybe you are struggling with your health; with your mind; with your heart. Maybe you're just struggling to survive. Everyone struggles. Whatever the loss. It can leave us unable to think straight. Our vision somehow becomes impaired. We try to do better. We try to see better. But we fail to see past our hurting hearts.  The loss leaves us feeling defeated. Maybe even rejected. But then there's God. Isaiah 61 is a reminder to our hurting hearts that God is our joygiver. It can be a day-by-day struggle. But still, God calms the storms within us. The storm might be raging all around us. But God can bring peace to our hearts. He is The JoyGiver. He is The Only One Who can create beauty from ashes. He mends the brokenhearted. He comforts the hurting. He loved us enough to send His Only Begotten Son to die for us so that we may have life more abundantly. In this life, we are going to suffer. We are going to feel loss. But with Jesus we have Hope.

Lord, help us today to look for You during our storm. I know being a Christian doesn't exclude us from hurt. But life can be so difficult at times. I know when the storm rages You are The only One Who brings me Peace. You alone can bring beauty from ashes. Encourage us Father to get up and walk and live for you despite the storm that rages around us. Renew The Joy of Your Salvation within our souls  In Jesus Precious Name, I pray. Amen. 

"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the comfort all that mourn...To give unto them beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness,..." Isaiah 61. 

Is your spirit heavy this morning? Let Him clothe you with the garment of Praise to focus on instead. 


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