This is The Day

 Scripture For The Day 

April 8th, 2024 

"This Is the Day" 

I woke up this morning with a heavy heart and a tad bit frustrated if I'm honest. So, I went to The One I always go to. I began praying and asking The LORD to speak to my heart and give me peace. Immediately Psalms 118:24 came to my heart; "This is the day which the LORD hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." I used to go to a church that this was our theme song. So, my heart began singing the scripture. 

Every day is a blessing from The LORD. Every day belongs to Him. So, let us rejoice and be glad in it. You can speak all the Christianese there is to speak. You can tick all the "Christian" boxes but if you don't have love, if you don't have compassion, if you don't have understanding, you have nothing. Paul tells us all about that in 1 Corinthians 13. It doesn't matter how much 'work' you do for The Lord. Without Love and Patience and Compassion and Understanding, you have nothing. I truly believe that. And According to Paul, it profits you - Nothing! 

So, let us Rejoice and be glad in Him. No condemnation. No judgment. Just Loving The LORD and loving each other. Life is too short. Over the past few years The LORD has been speaking to my heart just how fragile life is, so don't get caught up in the junk. I have become so aware of an overwhelming number of Christians that are struggling with this or that.  They don't need condemnation. They need encouragement. They don't need your judgment. They need understanding. They don't need your opinion. They need love. They need prayer. 

The seasons come and the seasons go. Sometimes you are on the top of the mountain and sometimes in the valley. The cliches could go on and on. But the point is, life rarely stays the same. But the one thing that remains is His Love. Ignore the negativity. Focus on His Love and Rejoice. This is the Day that The LORD has made. Let us Rejoice and be glad in it. Be glad in Him. Whatever this crazy day brings- REJOICE! 


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