
Showing posts from September, 2023

Be Kind

Scripture For The Day  September 21, 2023  "Be Kind"   Before I got out of bed this morning, I had spoken and texted with more than one loved one. Each conversation held different concerns. It hurt my heart to realize that so many people are struggling. Whatever you may be going through, you can trust that someone is going through something even more challenging. We need to be there for each other. We need to pray for each other. No judgments. No unwanted advice. Just love and prayers. Hunter Jack mentioned the other day that he didn't like the 'rule' that says you must treat your elderly kinder than you. I'm not sure where he heard that 'rule' and at first I wasn't sure if I should be hurt or offended thinking he was calling me elderly. lol. But after further conversation, there was more to it. I asked him what he meant. He said, "Well, I just think that the whole wide world should be kind to everyone and not just because someone is older....

What Do You See?

Scripture For The Day    September 19, 2023 "What do you see?"  When I was a child, my grandmother would put a cookie tray of objects in front of me. I was to examine each object as quickly as I could without touching them. Then she would remove the tray and I would have to either tell her everything that was on the tray or she would bring the tray back and I would have to tell her, in detail, what was missing. She was teaching me to study and to be observant. My husband and I taught our daughter the same lessons. We taught her to always watch her surroundings. Pay attention to how people are behaving. Notice what is missing. Be prepared for anything. I also played the objects/tray game with her when she was little. Yesterday, she shared with me about something that she had noticed and had put two and two together. All because she is observant. She studied the situation. She saw the bigger picture. No one had to tell her. She already knew. That's what it means to be i...

Don't Give Up

Scripture For The Day  September 15th, 2023  "Don't Give Up"    Jesus taught His disciples/followers/ US- that we should always pray and never lose hope. He shares a parable with us in Luke 18 involving a woman whose husband had died. She came many times to the judge and told him about a man who continually did bad things to her and she pleaded for help and protection. The judge didn’t want to help her. He didn’t care about her. He didn’t love God or love God’s people. So, though the woman kept coming to plead her case, the judge kept turning her away. It finally came to a point at which he was tired of being bothered by this woman so he gave her what she wanted. Not out of concern or love, but sick and tired of hearing from her. The squeaky wheel is the first one to be greased. The Lord tells us to listen to what this parable is saying. God’s people shout at Him day and night requesting things and God will give us what is right. It may feel slow but it is not slow i...

Give Me Strength

Scripture For The Day    September 13, 2023 Give Me Strength!  Give me Strength! From one end of the Bible to the other, we can read how our Heavenly Father is Willing and More Than Able to give us strength through those trying times that this sinful world and the enemy throw against us. The Israelites would often sing a song Praising God for giving them the strength to do what needed to be done. “The LORD is my strength and song, And He is become my salvation: He IS my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation; My father’s God, and I WILL exalt Him.” – Exodus 15:2 When we Praise Him, our Faith is made even stronger. It’s a lifeline to The One Who is in control of everything. Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the LORD is our strength. When we have a heart full of love and excitement for the things of God, we are strengthened. When we wake up focused on Him and desire to do His Will, we are strengthened. When we are struggling in the midst of health, finances, rel...

No Words Necessary

Scripture For The Day   September 12, 2023 No Words Necessary The more time that keeps skipping along, the more I recognize that the less said, the better. I said something out of joking the other day about a loved one but it bothered me all day long.   I was just being silly. It’s not how I really feel. But that silly moment could lead to others misunderstanding how I truly feel. And I was reminded once again how careful we need to be with our words.   Matthew 12:36-37 tells us that we will be held accountable for every idle/empty/useless word that we speak. By words, we will be acquitted and by our words, we will be condemned. What the tree produces is what the tree is really made of. The mouth, generally, speaks from the heart is what Jesus is telling us in that scripture. If we spent more time carefully considering the words that we used and the manner that we spoke them, the better off we would all be. I often remember harsh words spoken to me more than I reme...

The Comforter

Scripture For The Day  September 5, 2023 "The Comforter"  While reading about a famous Pastor’s occasional struggle with discouragement and feeling down, I couldn’t help but think “Thank You, Lord, for The Comforter”.  Jesus had to go back to heaven. He tells us in His Word that He had to go back home to The Father to send “The Comforter.” The Holy Spirit resides within every believer but wasn’t that way before Jesus died on The Cross. He had to die. He had to suffer. He had to be buried. He had to Rise From The Grave. He had to go back to heaven. And those of us who have accepted Him have been set free.  But that doesn’t mean that we will lead perfect lives. It doesn’t mean we will never struggle or have sorrow.  Our Father knew that we would need Help! So, He made a way.  We have The Blessing of The Comforter/ The Holy Spirit. He brings encouragement to our weary souls. He is our Comforter, our Encourager, and our Helper. He convicts our hearts when we do...