
Showing posts from February, 2024
 Scripture For The Day  February 27th 2024  There Is None That Doeth Good  Was David prophesying in Psalm 53? Because it sure sounds like the world today.  But no, David did prophesy in some of the Psalms but not in this instant. David looked around at the sad condition of men who refused to accept God. The fool says "There is no God". This is based on a moral standpoint and not an intellectual point of view. He was talking about those who rejected God, not those who didn't know any better.  A person who purposefully denies God will become corrupted. It's a matter of time. David says "There is none who does good, no, not one." There is still good in this world. But any good we do on our own is tainted by a sinful world. A child isn't born obeying their parents. It's taught. But you don't have to teach a child to be rebellious. That is a natural condition for a sinful world. People fight authority. People disrespect authority.  Rebellion is a comm

Good Wins Over Evil

Scripture For The Day  February 23rd, 2024  "Good Wins Over Evil"  This morning as I was studying Psalm 52, I began thinking about the old saying that "Good wins over evil every time". I couldn't help but think, I know it does in the end, but it sure seems like evil takes the lead at times. This world is getting uglier and uglier as each day goes by. It can be disheartening at times. But The LORD doesn't want us to be discouraged and overwrought with all the evil in the world. We are to rise above it and overcome the evil with good. I read a commentary that said Psalm 52 is one of the most contemptuous verses in the bible with its description of an enemy. David is speaking about Doeg and his betrayal. Refer to 1 Samuel 21. David is sharing that evil is futile. No matter how much it may seem like evil is winning, evil will never have the final victory. That belongs to the righteous alone. It's heartbreaking to be betrayed. It makes it difficult to trust a

A Humble Heart

 Scripture For The Day  February 22nd, 2024  A Humble Heart The number one sacrifice that The LORD wants from us is for us to have a humble heart. Without a humble heart, chances are we won't seek Him in everything. Without a humble heart we won't strive to be like Jesus. Without a humble heart we won't put others before ourselves. Without a humble heart a person will not think they need Jesus at all. Without a humble heart there is no forgiveness. Psalm 51 was written by David after the prophet Nathan confronted David about his adultery with Bathsheba. David had been found out. David had been called out. This man after God's own heart was not perfect. He was a mess just like you and me. But what made him a man after God's own heart was that He Trusted The Lord. It broke he was confronted with his sin. Not because he was found out but because He disappointed The LORD. In this Psalm David prays for forgiveness. He acknowledges his sin. He is thankful that God restore

You Can't Take It With You

 Scripture For The Day  February 19th, 2024  You Can't Take It With You  "Listen up, people. hear ye hear ye, both low and high, rich and poor" The psalmist of Psalm 49 begins a song of wisdom. There are limits to material wealth and wealth means nothing without if you don't have Jesus. There are all kinds of riches in this world. To many people in third-world countries, we are the richest people on earth. The most basic houses that we live in may seem like mansions to those living in poverty. We take so much for granted. Too much for granted. Let us speak wisely and have understanding. What should we fear in the days of evil? When sin surrounds us? and oh my, doesn't sin surround us? I am reminded every day that this world is not my home. But those of us who Trust in Jesus are wealthier than the richest person on earth. We can Trust in Him and His Promises and when it comes down to it, that's what matters. You can't take it with you. But you can do some g


 Scripture For The Day  February 16th, 2024  Praise!  Did you wake up with Praises for The LORD on your heart this morning? Praises that you woke up? Praises that you were able to get out of bed? Praises for your family and friends? Psalm 48 is a Praise Psalm and possibley a prophetic psalm. The Psalmist is Thankful for Jerusalem (Mount Zion) but mostly He is Thankful for The LORD.  Great is The LORD, and greatly to be praised. Out of all the places on earth, The LORD chose Jerusalem to be His special place- and the Israelites His special people. and if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, you have been adopted into that family.  Every significant event that has and will happen was and is going to be in Jerusalem. Including, when Jesus sets up His Kingdom for the Millenial Reign on earth. So, Jerusalem is a special place to The Lord and it should be a special place to us. Beautiful for situation (location). Beautiful to look at. A source of joy for the whole earth to behold. Many p


Scripture For The Day  February 15th, 2024  "Celebrate!"  Every Christian would love to wake up each morning with a heart full of excitement and complete joy. But that's not reality. Some days just aren't as good as you would like them to be. But The One Constant is God is ALWAYS GOOD! So, we can celebrate Him every single day. There is always Hope when we have Jesus in our hearts. Psalm 47 is a worship Psalm. "Clap your hands, all ye people" everybody just clap your hands. Shout with Joy to God! Whatever is going on within you or around you, you have something, Someone to celebrate. Shout with Joy to God! He is Awesome. He is Great. He helps defeat our enemies. When we seek Him, He will guide our steps. The psalmist Praised God for everything He had done for them. Let us seek The LORD this morning. Let us Praise Him! Let us Celebrate Him!  Sing Praises to God, Sing Praises! He is on His Throne and He is In Control and will always be.  Celebrate! Rejoice! 

My Refuge and My Strength

 Scripture For The Day  February 14th, 2024  "My Refuge and My Strength"  Before I even got out of bed this morning I began asking The Lord to help me. I asked Him what the best thing was to do. I told Him that I couldn't do this on my own. What 'this' is doesn't matter. Because every single one of us is struggling with something. A constant prayer should be to pray for each other. There by The Grace of God, go I, is something that stays on my heart. Because no matter what is going on, I know things could always get worse. So, I look for the joy in the moments. I choose to have fun. I choose to celebrate life. I will go down swinging in spite of the 'whatever's' and the 'this's'.  This morning, Psalm 46 is speaking to my heart. God is my refuge and my strength. How anyone gets by in life without Him is beyond me.  He is always ready to help in times of trouble. Just reach out and speak The Name of Jesus. There's no need to fear beca

Higher Accountability

 Scripture For The Day  February 13th, 2024  Higher Accountability Boys will be boys. We've all heard that. Boys are fun and adventurous and crazy and I love being a boys grandma. Recently the youngest grandson has begun spitting. Of course, he thinks it's hilarious. we might ignore it except Big Brother thinks it's also hilarious and so now we have two spitting everywhere. It's almost out of control. Nothing unusual there. But it was time, probably past time, to nip it in the bud. So, yesterday when the boys got dropped off and before mommy left I looked at them both, especially at big brother, and said "This is how it's going to go today. If "the little one" starts spitting, he's going to get a spanking. But if you "big brother" do it as well, you're going to get a spanking and put in time-out and each occurrence after that we'll get an added punishment." Big Brother looked at me upset. I knew what he was thinking. "B

The Royal Wedding

Scripture For The Day February 12th, 2024  The Royal Wedding  Through the years The "Royals" have been the picture of a fairy tale come true. Or some may believe. Many people keep up with what The "Royals" are doing and who's marrying who etc. And anytime there is a Royal Wedding the eyes of the world become focused on this "Royal" event.  Psalm 45 is a Royal Wedding Psalm. It celebrates the marraige of a king. The psalmist praises the king's strength and beauty and righteousness. He is a warrior king. This psalm is a prophecy of Jesus Christ the Bridegroom/The King Who is marrying the church to Himself. It reflects The Goodness and Love of God. His Throne is established forever. Christ has been anointed King and the church His Bride. Because of His Love and Goodness our desire should be to share that Love with others, even if they don't love us back. We can't do this on our own. But Only through Him. Our Bridegroom is gone for awhile prepa

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Scripture For The Day February 9th, 2024 Bloom Where You Are Planted I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. But THOU has saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us. In God, we boast all day long and Praise Thy Name forever. Selah- pause and think about that. - Psalm 44 We read in this Psalm how the Israelites were recovering from a tough defeat. They were battered. They were torn, they were worn. The Psalmist acknowledges that God is responsible for all their great victories in the past. Stories had passed down from one generation to another of the victorious battles. However, The LORD allowed Israel to suffer defeat in this particular battle. and it shook the people up. The enemy had lots of fun with taunting and ridiculing the Israelites. Though the psalmist was confused by God allowing this defeat, he never wavered in trusting that God is in control.  No matter how chaotic the world becomes, God will ALWAYS remain in Control. He will all

I Am Weak But He is Strong

 Scripture For The Day  February 8th, 2024  "I Am Weak, But He is Strong!"  From time to time, I go through bouts of the blues. Thank The Lord I never linger and wallow in it. But Monday was a day of the blues. Without boring people with details of my inner workings, I have an illness that is attacking my body so medicines can alter things in a heartbeat. I had a couple of vaccine shots on Monday and by Monday night I was deep into the blues. It takes recognizing what is happening and focusing on Jesus to keep me from falling down a deep dark rabbit hole. Because that's not who I am. Why am I feeling the need to share this? Because I feel God impressing it upon me. We live in a false world. A picture is not worth a thousand words anymore because it has become far too easy to alter the picture. What someone says is not generally what they truly feel. A common thing to say anymore is that if you are hurting come to me and I will listen. But the truth of the matter is many p

Consider Others

 Scripture For The Day  February 2nd, 2024 Consider Others Blessed is He who considers the poor. When trouble comes as it so often does, The LORD will remember you. The LORD watches over those who help others. The LORD Blesses those who bless others. A person who thinks of others is Blessed coming and going. It's not about us. We aren't the center of the universe. Psalm 41- David trusted God in all things. He was struggling. He was suffering. He was betrayed and his body and soul needed healing. and He was ashamed of his own sin.  Whenever we sin it not only affects us but has an effect on everyone around us. We are sinning against The LORD. Our lives are not our own. We have been created for a purpose, for His Purpose. David's body was sick but even worse than that his soul was sick. Have you ever felt like that before? I know I have. David felt betrayed by those he loved.  He was broken. Yes, he was upset with himself for sinning against God. But betrayal is one of the to
 Scripture For The Day  February 1st, 2024  Have a Good Day With all the beauty this world has to offer, it also offers up ugliness. It's up to us to choose what we will focus on. We can't avoid it. It's all over the place. But we can ask The LORD to help us to keep focused on Him. This morning, my heart was so full of concern for my grandsons and the world that we have handed down to them.  And I asked The LORD to help me to be the Grandma I need to be for them. I asked The LORD to help me to teach them how to have Peace in chaos. The youngest grandson and I always tell the others to have a Good Day when they leave. Yesterday, while talking to Bop Bop, he asked him if he was having a good day. It tickled us both. I'm so thankful that God Loves us so much and that He hears our cries and that alone grants us a Good Day in spite of the chaos and ugliness that may surround us. This morning I came across a song by chance? no by God's hand that I hadn't heard before