
Showing posts from October, 2023

Be Different

Scripture For The Day   October 30, 2023 Be Different Psalm 12- David was concerned. Living for God in a world that is full of deceit and lies can be difficult and heartbreaking. David cries out once again to The LORD for help. Help, LORD for no one is faithful anymore.  It seems like the godly people have all but vanished from the human race. We can’t trust anyone anymore.  Everyone lies to their neighbor; they say whatever they think people want to hear. I see this more and more as each day goes by. It never ceases to shock me how often people will lie. Oh, we describe it more nicely when it’s a Christian; they’re just exaggerating. But the bottom line is they are lying. Arrogance and lies have no place in the walk of a Christian. David is feeling the same way right here. His tired and frustrated.  The LORD should cut off their lying lips and boastful tongues. Those people think they can win any argument. They think they know better than everyone else. T...

Be Prepared, Not Scared

Scripture For The Day    October 27, 2023 Be Prepared, Not Scared Our society loves scare tactics. Even in the church. I had an individual who once told me that they felt like they had PTSD from growing up in a church. It hurt my heart for them but I understood what they were saying.  We need to be aware. We need to be prepared. But we need to remember Who is in Control. We need to be careful where we are getting our information. Look to His Word. Not to the internet. What was once an informational hub has long become a worldwide web of fake news. No longer is a picture worth a thousand words that can be trusted and held up in court. Technology has made it far too easy to manipulate pictures and videos. If you can’t stand up and say without a shadow of a doubt that what you are sharing is The Truth then don’t share it.  Otherwise, we ourselves become manipulators and liars when we pass on things that are not the absolute truth. Our society enjoys putting fear into ...

Punish The Wicked

Scripture For The Day    October 25, 2023 Punish The Wicked  Unlike Psalm 9 to which began and ended with Praises, Psalm 10 is full of despair, frustration, and confusion. David straight out asked The LORD why He allows bad (evil) people to succeed. But he is confident that God will make it right because He is a Righteous God.  “Why LORD, do You stand so far away? Why do You hide from people in times of trouble?” Whew! He was struggling. He was frustrated. “The wicked are out to hurt people. They scheme and trap to make others suffer. And then they brag about all the things they do and what they have.” Vs 3 says that The LORD abhorreth the wicked “…whom The LORD abhorreth.” The word abhorreth goes further than to dislike. The LORD detests evil people so much to the point of sickening. They think they are better than God. They think they are God in a sense. The psalmist goes on to beg The LORD to punish that disrespectful attitude of the evil ones. The wicked are ...

I WILL Praise Him

Scripture For The Day    October 24, 2023 I WILL Praise Him!  “I will…I will…I will…I will” Psalm 9 has David promising The LORD that he will be a living breathing testimony for God. This was probably written after a victory over the Philistines. I WILL praise Thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I WILL show forth ALL Thy marvelous works.  I WILL be glad and rejoice in Thee; I WILL sing Praise to Thy Name. Our LORD is a Righteous Judge. We don’t have to get all upset and strike back at those who hurt us. The LORD will fight our battles. If we believe in HIM> The LORD is so very patient with us and thankfully, He is forgiving, however; He is still Righteous in His Judgment even when He says ‘’ENOUGH!” Everything else will pass away. But The LORD will ALWAYS Remain. He is our Refuge in times of trouble, and we can Trust in Him for He will never…NEVER forsake those of us who seek His Face and His Will in our lives. So let us sing Praises to The LORD. Though verse...

There is Power in The Name of JESUS!

Scripture For The Day  October 23rd, 2023  "There is Power in The Name of Jesus!"  O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth! Psalm 8 sings about The Greatness of our God. He is The One in Control. When your world seems to be spinning off its axis- He is The One Who can calm things down. We are reminded that it all began with Him. He Created it all. My Love for Him is not about fear of hell. My Love for Him is a relationship with Him. Without Him I am nothing. Without Him, I would never have existed. Without Him, I would be most miserable. It’s personal. It doesn’t matter what others think or say of me. It doesn’t matter about a lot of things. What does matter is that Jesus came to save us and His Name is above all names. The smallest Praise, lifting His Name brings power. We don’t have any power on our own. But with JESUS? ALL things are possible!  `  At our weakest, He gives us strength. He’s still in Control. What is man, that thou art min...

Lest He Tear My Soul

Scripture For The Day   October 17, 2023 Lest He Tear My Soul  Psalm 7 is described as a Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite. A Shiggaion is a term that describes a poem that is written with intense feelings and will stir up emotions. David meant what he was saying. He was full of angst. He was upset. Here was Cush the Benjamite, one of Saul’s fanatics telling lies about him.  David knew he was innocent and he wanted divine retribution. He was being accused of trying to steal the throne. Which was far from the truth. David respected the throne. He had numerous times that he could have killed Saul. But he would never touch God’s anointed. David had every right to be upset. His good name was being tarnished. It can be frustrating when people talk lies about you behind your back and you have no opportunity to give your side of the story. But David did what he always did. He cried out to The LORD. I put my trust...

O LORD, How Long?

Scripture For The Day    October 16, 2023 "O LORD, How Long?"  Psalm 6 is the first of seven “Penitential” psalms.  David recognized when he messed up. Sometimes, it was just bad choices others made against him.  Whatever the cause, David knew Who to go to for help and understanding. He knew he deserved a rebuke from God. But he asked for mercy. It was bad enough to keep David from getting any sleep. He acknowledged his weakness in flesh and spirit. He asked The LORD to heal him; in his spirit and flesh. His bones were vexed- The hurt was so deep within him that it was almost unbearable and it was weighing heavily on his spirit. God can heal not only the body but our souls as well. Even if you have accepted Jesus into your heart, there will be times when you need your soul to be healed. This world can be so oppressive and tiring. Vs 3 O LORD, how long? This is a common prayer in the Bible. The aching. The sorrow. The frustrations. How Long, O LORD can this go ...

Come What May

Scripture For The Day   October 14, 2023 Come What May  Psalm 4 was an evening psalm. Psalm 5 is a morning psalm. Once again, David is the author and is turning it over to be made into a worship song. There is a reason that David was The Apple of God’s Eye. He Loved The LORD with all of his heart. Yes, he messed up. He was human and humans are not perfect. But He Trusted God to help Him. He Trusted God to watch over Him. He went To The LORD seeking Him. He Praised Him in the Good Times and in The Bad Times. Psalm 5 begins with David asking The LORD to hear His pleas. David is crying out to God, once again. Not only is he asking The LORD to hear His spoken words but to also hear his unspoken words in his heart. Sometimes, we don’t have the words to say out loud.  But God hears our hearts. David may have been the anointed king of Israel but he knew that God was the ultimate King of all the earth. David began each day with prayer. Because he knew that God was in c...

Lay Me Down in Peace and Sleep

Scripture For The Day  October 13, 2023 "Lay Me Down In Peace and Sleep"  Psalm 4 may have been written following Psalm 3. It indicates an evening prayer. David asked The LORD quite often in his prayers to have mercy upon him. David once again goes from anxiety to Trusting God. This Psalm marks the first of 55 songs given to the chief musician for instruction as he was to lead the choir or string portion of the orchestra into celebration with this psalm. It's like taking your diary and turning it into music. Refer to 1 Chronicles 6: 31-32 Now for this prayer: Hear me O God. You know my innocence in this matter. You have given me relief and peace before in my times of trouble. So, please be kind and listen to me now. Sons of men (ungodly men) how long will you try to dishonor me? Do you enjoy wasting your time searching for new lies against me? SELAH You can be sure that anyone who serves the LORD faithfully is special to Him. The LORD listens when I pray to Him.  So...

Take Your Broken Heart to The LORD, SELAH!

Scripture For The Day    October 12 th 2023 Take Your Broken Heart To The LORD - SELAH!  David wrote this next Psalm, chapter 3, when he fled from Absalom his son. If you truly want to understand the Bible you need to understand what was currently going on during the time that the Books of the Bible were written. We know and understand that the Author of the Bible is God Himself and the writers were inspired by the leading of The Holy Spirit. But each person wrote from their own experiences with their own style. It took approximately 1500 years for the Bible to be completed and 40 writers. 1500 years makes for a lot of cultural and governmental changes. Psalm 3 begins with David feeling down and troubled. His son Absalom had stepped in and charismatically stole the hearts of the people. Absalom decided he would be a better king. So, through backstabbing and lies he took over. And in David’s sadness and grief over his son, and fear for his life, he fled for safety along...

Why Are The Nations So Angry?

Scripture For The Day    October 11, 2023 Why Are The Nations So Angry?  Psalm 2 is two-fold. David, the author, refers to not only his time but gives a prophetic picture of Jesus Christ. This Psalm is often referred to in the NT. David begins by asking “Why do the heathen rage?” Why are the nations so angry and why do they make such foolish plans that are doomed to failure? The anointed refers to David and any of his descendants who are being attacked. It also refers to The Messiah- Jesus Christ.  The heathen refers to all unbelievers. The ungodly will never have True Peace without Jesus Christ.  Nations and the people will turn their hostility and hatred towards The LORD and all that believe in Him. How True that is today.  The rulers and governments today make decisions that are contrary to The Word of God. We are not God-fearing people anymore. The world does not want anything to do with The One True God and God allows people to turn against Him. Mora...

Don't Blow In The Wind

Scripture For The Day    October 10, 2023 Don't Blow In The Wind  It is weighing heavy on my heart to study the book of Psalms. Will we get through it all? I don’t know. But I need to do what I need to do. The book of Psalms is not everyone’s cup of tea. But I love it. It is poetry. It is music. It is songs. It is prayers. It is life at its worst and life at its best. It is used at funerals. It is used at weddings. It is used to comfort and strengthen, so let’s begin our journey. Psalm 1- (Read on your own) It begins with Blessed is the man… This is not speaking of one single blessing but a lifetime of Blessing for someone who walks with The Lord. We are Blessed when we choose not to listen to ungodly people. We are Blessed when we choose to refuse to mock our God. But instead, choose to Love His Word. Study His Word, night and day. Growing Strong in His Word. Sinners don’t have these Blessings. They can not be counted among the righteous. The LORD shows us in His W...

Lift Up My Head, LORD

Scripture For The Day    October 9, 2023 LIft Up My Head, Lord  There’s a difference between conviction and guilt trips. The Holy Spirit handles the convicting part and people use guilt trips. Guilt trips are a highly used tactic that doesn’t help any situation but exacerbates an already thinly stretched broken situation. A person who uses guilt trips in any type of relationship is hurting that relationship more than helping. Religion is one of those areas to which people will use guilt in what they think is encouraging people. But what usually happens is people get burned out trying to line up with what others think and eventually give up.  Jesus has never been one to shame people. Jesus went to The Cross to remove our guilt and that’s why I love Him so. I can never, ever, repay the debt I owe to Him. But it’s because I love Him that I do whatever I do. Not because of what someone else thinks I should be doing and I’m learning that I can’t do it all and it’s okay....