...And Salome
Scripture For The Day May 31, 2023 And Salome… There are two Salomes mentioned in the Bible. Today we will focus on the righteous one. Salome in Hebrew is the feminine word for peace. Through historical study and lineage, we know that Salome was the wife of Zebedee and the mother of James and John. We know that she had enough boldness and audacity to ask Jesus if her boys could sit on either side of God’s Throne. Hey, you never know unless you ask. Right? She just wanted the best for her boys. She was also a follower of Jesus and was often in the company of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph as well as Mary the Mother of Jesus. She and the first two Marys watched from a distance, as Jesus died on The Cross while Jesus’ mother was right there at the cross with John. Though Salome isn’t mentioned at the burial of Jesus along with the others, she is mentioned as being one of the ladies that was a witness to His Resurrection. Jesus trusted women then...